Dear All,

I am thrilled to share some exciting news with you. The Avesso Magazine, which originated in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in 2016, has recently transformed itself. It now introduces an English edition, born out of the necessity to share news from England, Europe, and beyond.

Avesso Magazine aims to offer a diverse range of enriching content, covering culture, lifestyle, fashion, art, travel, and more. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive and engaging perspective on the world, with a focus on rich cultural diversity and the latest trends.

We are grateful for the support we have received over the years, as it is your encouragement that motivates us to continue telling inspiring stories, sharing relevant information, and expressing our passion for fashion, news, lifestyle, sports, and beyond.

I invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Avesso Magazine's English edition is ready to offer a reading experience filled with discoveries and insights about the world around us.

With warm regards,

Fernanda Paula Andrade

Fernanda Andrade

Journalist and Founder Avesso Magazine


Interview with Andreas Wilfinger